Saturday, September 29, 2007

Physical Therapy

I went to my first physical therapy session this week to try to relieve the pain on my sciatic nerve. Boy was that interesting, I learned a lot, and by just following my list of restrictions (which are extensive) my back doesn't hurt nearly as much. So here is what I learned -

Why it happens: Apparently the hormones that are released when you are pregnant cause your ligaments to go all "loosy-goosy". That’s why pregnant woman have a lot of restrictions, because they are more susceptible to injury. Anyway, the ligaments that help hold your hips in place get loose too and they slip a bit, exposing the sciatic nerve. Oh yeah, and this loose ligament syndrome lasts the entire pregnancy, throughout breastfeeding, and won't clear up until 3 months AFTER that.

Point of my physical therapy: To strengthen the muscles around my hips to help hold them in place. Exercise before getting pregnant would not have prevented this, some woman are just more susceptible.

Things I am restricted from: Crossing my legs OR my ankles (which I do constantly and unconsciously). This puts more weight on 1 hip. When standing from a seated position, put my knees together, place my hand on them, and push myself up (this includes getting in/out of car). On couch, do NOT put legs underneath me. Only 2 sitting positions allowed on couch; traditional seated, or with my legs straight in front of me. I can lay on the couch w/ pillows between my legs. No "attitude" standing, or putting weight on one side or the other, must distribute weight evenly between both feet. Sleeping - I'm allowed 3 positions; either side w/ pillows between my legs, or on the left side, with a pillow behind my back, I can rotate back onto the pillow (this cannot be done on the right side).

Actually following the restrictions isn't as difficult as I thought, and the results have been immediate. The hardest part is sitting on the couch in a seated position. I have to continue physical therapy 2 times a week, for the next 3 weeks, then the doctor will re-evaluate me.

As of today, I am 14 weeks and 0 days pregnant. The baby is the size of a lemon, and is literally sitting on my last nerve!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hello and Welcome!

I figured with Garen and I livinig so far away from our families and friends, that we would keep you updated on the status of my pregnancy though the wounderful world wide web. I plan to update this blog weekly throughout my pregnancy, and then use it to show baby pictures and update you on the status of our little one.

As of today, I am 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I have successfully made it through the first trimester. The baby is the size of a peach, and is definitely making mommy feel (if not look) fat. There is no longer such as thing as "sucking it in". None of my pants will zip, let alone button. I have been very fortunate though as a lady from work has given me all of her maternity clothes! The shirts all fit great, but she is about 5'3" the pants look ridiculously short on me. But the carpi's and shorts, thankfully, work for now. I'm trying to hold out just a little bit longer to buy maternity clothes.

Last weekend Garen and I bought a new car, which may not sound baby related, but I needed something more reliable to be driving a baby around in. We bought a 2007 VW Passat, or as my Uncle Breezy calls it, a "Hitler Hot rod". It is the Wolfsburg edition, which just means it has a bunch of extras without the huge price jump. It is silver with black leather interior and is so nice. I'll include a picture soon.